Watch: Serena Williams Wigs Out

Busy mother of two Serena Williams shows she’s still a major multi-tasker. 

Life seldom slows down for Serena Williams—even after stepping off the tennis treadmill.

The 23-time Grand Slam champion gave birth to her second child, daughter Adira, in 2023.

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Busy mother of two Serena showed she’s still a major multi-tasker. Serena posted this Tik Tok video where she deftly removes her wig with her right hand, while gently holding baby Adira with her left arm.

@serena My 2023 included having a baby. After having a baby it kind of feels like you got hit by a bus. Not only your body, but your mind too. (well, at least for me) Here’s to 2024! …… And getting my mind and body back! #babytok #newbaby #fyp #newyear #momtok #momsoftiktok #daughters #fashioniconawards #adiraohanian #moms #goodbye2023 #hello2024 ♬ Otra Vez – ProdMarvin

“My 2023 included having a baby,” Serena told her Tik Tok followers. “After having a baby it kind of feels like you got hit by a bus.

“Not only your body, but your mind too. (Well, at least for me.) ‘Here’s to 2024 … And getting my mind and body back!”

The four-time Olympic gold-medal champion looks fit and festive in Instagram images she posted of a family vacation.

Serena, husband Alexis Ohanian and the couple’s first child, six-year-old daughter Olympia, went full Pirates of the Carribean for a family photo.

Photo credit: Serena Williams Instagram

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